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On the Blog

Climate Change Super Hero

He has the ability to use his self-motivated creative drive developed from his PTSD compounded by his innate divergent thinking coming from his autistic traits, as his strength to be able to develop creative ingenuity and leadership.

ReCo2gnition- The Sator Square a portal for time travel

ReCo2gnition- The Sator Square a portal for time travel

The SATOR square, uses it’s real life mysticism to fictitiously symbolise the mysticism and illusion of time travel in my Sci Fi story.
The SATOR Square is a remarkable ancient inscription found throughout the Roman Empire (1st to 4th Century ace) containing five words read as a perfect palindrome or mirror-like inscription, not only readable in forward and reverse, but also up and down. SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, and ROTAS are the five Latin voices whose arrangement, it’s believed, give the square its magical powers. There is the symbol of the Cross formed by the word TENET; the unusual sentence likely hiding the words of the Christians’ Jesus’ prayer, Pater Noster (Latin for Our Father)

The Shapeshifting Android Assassin

The Shapeshifting Android Assassin

Introducing Shui Feng the Shapeshifting Android Assassin Shui Feng is the main antagonist in the story, possessing shapeshifting powers as an android assassin.   Shapeshifting in the story is an allegory of all things becoming more homogeneous and androgynous...

The meaning behind the book title

The meaning behind the book title

We all want recognition for what we do in our working lives, we all want to be heard, as we value the importance of self-awareness and achievement. We all want to make a name for ourselves in whatever career we choose more so in today’s world. The title name of the...