Feb 14, 2020 | Artwork, Inspiration
ReCO2gnition is a work of art which represents both Visionary and Spiritual fiction. Visionary fiction is fantastical writing that helps you imagine new worlds. It encompasses science fiction, fantasy, horror, magical realism, and alternative timelines. The...
Sep 19, 2019 | Artwork, Behind the Scenes, Inspiration
The football fans who pay money for their membership, get their electricity consumption paid for i.e. (weekly ticket on average is say £30 x 4 = £120 per month for football tickets), minus their monthly electricity bill may likely to be £40, so their real price of a...
Sep 17, 2019 | Artwork, Inspiration
ReC02gnition has joined the Visionary Fiction Alliance as the story is a perfect representation of Visionary Fiction which resonates with the protagonist’s vision to save the world from climate change and potential manmade nuclear disasters. The...
Jun 3, 2019 | Artwork, Behind the Scenes, Inspiration
How was the author inspired to create the style of artwork?It is the lack of collectivism living in a capitalist society such as the UK in comparison to China’s progress such as faster transport networks as a more socialist nation, that has led me to create visions of...