ReCo2gnition- Fantastical Cocktail of Subgenres

ReCo2gnition- Fantastical Cocktail of Subgenres A fantastical cocktail of Sci Fi subgenres which include philosophical, psychological, historical and political fiction, that is intertwined into a story of Time Travel Romance, which highlights the two core themes of...

ReCo2gnition – TENET – a time travel concept

ReCo2gnition – TENET – a time travel concept I first came across the word TENET as a child, when my Uncle James talked to me about the history and the mysticism of the word being used as a palindrome within the magical Sator Square. I became fascinated...

ReCo2gnition – Magic Portals

ReCo2gnition – Magic Portals In the UK’s 500 word short story competition for children, a popular theme amongst many children writing fiction, included writing about ‘Magic portals’.  This shows a growing trend towards liking fantasy and time...

ReCo2gnition – A Post Modern Classic

  ReCo2gnition- Oxygen Debt For the curious mind, a post modern classic! Postmodernism is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to explain reality. In essence, it stems from a recognition that reality is not simply...

ReCo2gnition – Scriptwriter’s review

Lisa Strobl Scriptwriter London, United Kingdom     Lisa’s testimonial review Mark Dowson is not only an author who is aware of the issues concerning climate change and the need for an alternative energy clean energy source, he is also a professional...