The application of the turbines vs the product engineering of turbines

The following article is written to promote the innovative concept of building mounted integrated wind turbines (BUWT) on stadium rooftops. The article addresses the concept as a innovative way to utilise otherwise dormant space (stadia roofs) to generate renewable energy. Central to this proposition is the wind yield possibilities, turbine type and overcoming technical challenges associate with mounting turbines. Ultimately this article proposes that innovative applications, can succeed the product engineering of urban wind turbines to produce better business cases.

Factors which are as equally or more so important than the actual engineering of a given turbine for an urban wind turbine project are; Wind science, positioning of turbine, type of turbine used for specific positioning, type of building and its energy use, and a building’s shape of roof.

Urban wind science article

The article was commissioned by Amida


A new dawn of design philosophy and innovative engineering

ReCO2gnition future new illustration

The Context and Rationale for my Masters of Science degree research: ‘Researching the feasibility of stadium roof mounted turbines as a centralised district power network within the built environment’:

Masters of Science dissertation- Researching the feasibility of stadium roof mounted turbines as a centralised district power network within the built environment


The agenda for a design meeting to discuss the feasibility of stadium roof mounted turbines with wind engineers, structural engineers and wind energy manufacturers, post my Masters of Science degree research:

The Feasibility of stadium roof mounted turbine array – design meeting with engineers


Feedback from design meeting regarding initial discussion of the possibility of roof mounted turbines being configured to a stadium roof

Feedback from design meeting with engineers and manufacturers regarding the feasibility of stadium roof mounted turbine array


Beautiful sunset above the windmills on the field

Beautiful sunset above the windmills on the field